Wartungsarbeiten am 08.01.2014 6:00 Uhr MEZ
Der Server Valor wird Mittwoch, dem 08.01.2014 um 6:00 Uhr für eine Serveraktualisierung heruntergefahren.
Laut Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) wird die vorgesehene Stillstandszeit etwa 2 Stunden betragen.
>> Status für alle EverQuest 2 Server ansehen
Aktualisierungsbemerkungen (Update Notes)
Im EverQuest 2 Forum wurden folgende Infos zur Aktualisierung des Spiels veröffentlicht.
Veteran Merchant
- Added new items to both Veteran merchants; including several items that require gold membership to purchase.
Vesspyr Isles
- Zaszea’s Armor Exchange will now correctly return a Cryptic Bracers Token when used on Cryptic Hive Aggressor’s Chain Bracers.
- Cryptic Hammer Slammer Gauntlets now correctly require Cryptic Glove Token’s to purchase.
- Completing Cleansing the Good (Level 90) will now correctly update the quest Learning the Path.
- Recipes from Advanced Armorer Volume 90 should now accept refined primary components.
- Summon Artisan’s Gathering Goblin should no longer revert to a 12 hours recast time if you zone while the buff is active on your character.
- Increased Focus now properly reduces the failure rate of Channel Essence.
- Spiritbreaker [Fabled] has had a slight increase in effectiveness.
- Channeler mythical spells have been moved to the quest The Red Shadow’s Long Fingers and added to the Shady Erudite if you have already completed that quest.
- House items for Spiritbreaker and Spiritbreaker, Eianosheoll’s Folly have been added to the Shady Erudite.
- Unchecked Aggression has had its effects doubled.
- Shared Glory now only requires 2% damage to be inflicted.
- Camaraderie now properly maintains through death and zoning.
- Starving Souleater now properly maintains through death and zoning.
- Sacred Rites now triggers properly.
aktualisierungsbemerkungen, downtime, everquest 2, news, server, serveraktualisierung, soe, sony online entertainment, support, update notes, valor, wartung