SOE Wartungsarbeiten am 14.11.2014 06:00 Uhr MEZ

Der EverQuest 2 Server Valor wird am Freitag, dem 14.11.2014 um 06:00 Uhr für eine Serveraktualisierung heruntergefahren.
Laut Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) wird die vorgesehene Stillstandszeit etwa 2 Stunden betragen.
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Aktualisierungsbemerkungen (Update Notes)
Folgende Update Infos wurden im EverQuest 2 Forum veröffentlicht.
- Aerakyn Beastlords will be granted a Reptile Warder when logging in and during character creation.
Altar of Malice Raids
- You should no longer be able to survive through Lethal Consequences in Raid encounters.
Brokenskull Bay: Hoist the Yellow Jack [Heroic]
- Captain Krasnok’s cannoneers now need to warm up their cannons before being able to fire them once they arrive, giving adventurers a little time to react.
- Corrected an issue with several weapons that were using incorrect appearances.
- Flora Versus Undead Fauna – Forces of Nature are no longer subject to AoE attacks.
- Shattered Seas:Temple of Doom- Venomous Bite now interrupts target and knocks them to their „knees.“
aktualisierungsbemerkungen, downtime, everquest 2, hotfix, server, serveraktualisierung, soe, support, update notes, valor, wartung